2.A component diagram in the Unified Modeling Language, depicts how components are wired together to form larger components and or software systems while the Class diagram is a type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the system's classes, their attributes, and the relationships between the classes.
4. A.) Defining the use case model.
• Find the actors domain problem by reviewing the reviewing the system requirements & interviewing some business experts.
• identify major events initiated by the actors.
• Develop a use case diagrams
• Review the usu case scenarios.
B.) UML diagramming system analysis phase.
• Derive activity from use case diagrams.
• Develop sequence and collaboration diagram from scenarios.
• Review the sequence diagram with the businesses area..
C.) Develop the class diagrams.
• Look for noun in use cases.
• Define the major relationships between the classes.
• “Has a” and “is a” relationships between class.
• Examine use case and sequence diagrams to determine the class.
• Create class diagrams that show the classes and relationships that exist in the use case.
D.) Draw state chart diagrams.
• Develop state chart diagrams to aid in understanding complex process.
• Determine method by examining state chart diagrams, Derive state, Attributes of the class are public (accessible externally), Private – internal to the class.
E.) Begin systems design by refining UML diagrams
• Write class specifications.
• Develop methods specifications of input and output requirements for the method.
• Create set of sequence diagrams.
• Create class diagrams using specialized class symbols.
• Analyze the class diagrams derived system components.
5. UML is important for modeling because it can greatly improve the quality of your systems analysis and designs.