Thursday, October 8, 2009

Rachelle Lopez and Diomlael Gunting

1. The purpose of packages is to organize use case diagrams and class diagrams, although the use of package diagrams is not limited to these UML elements.

2.A component diagram in the Unified Modeling Language, depicts how components are wired together to form larger components and or software systems while the Class diagram is a type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the system's classes, their attributes, and the relationships between the classes.

3. A deployment diagram in the Unified Modeling Language serves to model the physical deployment of artifacts on deployment targets.Deployment diagrams show "the allocation of Artifacts to Nodes according to the Deployments defined between them."Deployment of an artifact to a node is indicated by placing the artifact inside the node.Instances of nodes (and devices and execution environments) are used in deployment diagrams to indicate multiplicity of these nodes. For example, multiple instances of an application server execution environment may be deployed inside a single device node to represent application server clustering.

4. A.) Defining the use case model.

• Find the actors domain problem by reviewing the reviewing the system requirements & interviewing some business experts.
• identify major events initiated by the actors.
• Develop a use case diagrams
• Review the usu case scenarios.

B.) UML diagramming system analysis phase.

• Derive activity from use case diagrams.
• Develop sequence and collaboration diagram from scenarios.
• Review the sequence diagram with the businesses area..

C.) Develop the class diagrams.

• Look for noun in use cases.
• Define the major relationships between the classes.
• “Has a” and “is a” relationships between class.
• Examine use case and sequence diagrams to determine the class.
• Create class diagrams that show the classes and relationships that exist in the use case.

D.) Draw state chart diagrams.

• Develop state chart diagrams to aid in understanding complex process.
• Determine method by examining state chart diagrams, Derive state, Attributes of the class are public (accessible externally), Private – internal to the class.

E.) Begin systems design by refining UML diagrams

• Write class specifications.
• Develop methods specifications of input and output requirements for the method.
• Create set of sequence diagrams.
• Create class diagrams using specialized class symbols.
• Analyze the class diagrams derived system components.

5. UML is important for modeling because it can greatly improve the quality of your systems analysis and designs.

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